Im having a hard time understanding your email.
What do you mean by "Only us two can understand?"
All i did was respond to YOUR very angry email, aimed at mac users,
because they are supposedly spreading viruses.
If someone makes an ignorant post, i will almost always point it out,
because it is disrespectful, or negative, and has no place on this
list. Please go into the Microsound Archive and point out an example
of me instigating a situation. You will not be able to do so.
I think you are more angry that i pointed out the lack of facts in
your email, and then others did as well. Your email was just an
uninformed vitriolic anger session aimed at mac users.
What does mike have to do with your email? Did you not check the
discourse between Mike and I? Your being selective for a reason,
trying to create a mob mentality, or piggy back your irrelevant
accusations with Mikes valid concern.
its not my place to discourage trolls i guess and i will make a
concerted effort to do so from now on. Its not worth my time with
these inane tit for tats.
On Oct 31, 2007, at 4:06 PM, Vid Jeraj wrote:
In aleks email he wrote > > "only motivate some young turk "> > For
some reason his statement bothers me.> > mike
not only that he wrote that, mike. there's another statement of him
bothering me.
written in a way only us 2 could understand it. it turns out that he
uses this list
to free from his frustrations. which happens to be a 2nd example only
this week.
its been only a couple of days since his hygienising the "this is what
happen in italy" thread, if I'm correct.
what's on his mind? what's eating him?
feeling the same as you do,
----- Original Message ----- > From: "aleks vasic"
<bvasic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> To: "microsound"
<microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>> Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2007 2:28 PM>
Subject: Re: [microsound] why does iTunes suck...> > > > um...*a
very slow* yeeeaaaahhh...> > > > Those viruses are coming from
whatever network you are leeching off > > of, or your network is
getting leeched by someone with an infected PC > > machine. or
someone on this list with a Pc has an virus that is using > > said
persons mail contacts to spread. Any worm or virus that is an > >
exe obviously cannot infect a mac. The only know virus that is cross
> > platform was the virus that infected the mac version of
MICROSOFT > > OFFICE. I use both platforms and i try to keep my Pc's
off line as > > much as possible. I prefer to use a mac whenever i
need to do > > anything online.> > > > I do fear with all the mac
ads about no viruses will only motivate > > some young turk to claim
some fame by writing a sicko mac virus...> > > > smiri se budalo> >
> > aLEKs> > > > > > > > > > On Oct 30, 2007, at 2:15 PM, Vid Jeraj
wrote:> > > >> hi all> >>> >> why am I not interested at all of mac
users problems? cause all you > >> guys are used to send viruses,>
>> worms and other bugs of there to this list. in that respect, I >
>> don't give a damn of your iTunes problems.> >>> >> Sinc3r3ly
Y0urs/ srdacn0 va5,> >>> >>> >>> >>> >> VID JERAJ (Primorac), Ul.
grada Chicaga 23, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska> >>
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++> >>> >>> >>>
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 16:34:19 +0000> >>> From: Brian.Power@xxxxxx>
>>> To: microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> >>> Subject: Re: [microsound] why
does iTunes suck...> >>>> >>>> >>> I can't say that I've ever
noticed any difference between QT and > >>> iTunes> >>> playback to
be honest. I can't recall from memory, but can Sound > >>> Check be>
>>> switched on in iTunes on yer computer ?> >>>> >>> Quick Mac
hardware tech question for the macheads here (apologies in> >>>
advance) :> >>>> >>> Will bus-powered USB 2.0 do the job for hard
disc sample playback/ > >>> recording> >>> on a MBP C2D ? Or is
eSATA via expressCard or FW800 external hard > >>> disc> >>>
absolutely neccesary ?> >>>> >>> OWC have these dual interface 200Gb
portable HDDs with eSata (SATA > >>> I speeds> >>> of 1.5Gbps) and
USB 2.0 connectivity - could that be the sweetspot> >>> format-wise
for what I'm looking for ; on the fly, go anywhere > >>> portable>
>>> laptop production set-up (USB) with the option to plug-into the
> >>> grid for> >>> more heavy duty data transfer speeds (eSATA) ?>
>>>> >>> Anybody here got one of these drives/views as to their
rep/views > >>> as to a> >>> better alternative for heat of the
wireless moment/insta-tronic music> >>> production ?> >>>> >>>
(Please forgive my posting this here if this ain't none of yer > >>>
[preferred]> >>> microsound-making business)> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>
|---------+---------------------------->> >>> | | Graham Miller |>
>>> | | <grahammiller@sym|> >>> | |> |> >>> | | |> >>> | |
30/10/2007 15:05 |> >>> | | Please respond to|> >>> | | microsound
|> >>> |---------+---------------------------->> >>>>
> >>>> ----------------------------------------------------------|>
>>> > >>> | > >>> |> >>> | To: microsound > >>>
<microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> > >>> |> >>> | > >>> cc: > >>> |> >>> |
Subject: Re: [microsound] why does iTunes > >>> suck... > >>> |>
> >>>> ----------------------------------------------------------|>
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> it is so frustrating.> >>>> >>> i mean
that's all itunes is SUPPOSED to do and it can't even play> >>> back
music... i don't get it!!!> >>>> >>> g.> >>>> >>> On 30-Oct-07, at
1:53 AM, Dominic Tetmyer wrote:> >>>> >>>> I second this - when I
play tracks in QT they sound as they should,> >>>> unaltered and
original. When they are played in iTunes even as> >>>> Graham said
with all the sound enhancers, eqs, and such turned off,> >>>> the
tracks still sound worse. I have always wondered the reason> >>>>
behind this as well? Bad codecs or audio summing?> >>>>> >>>>
Frankly, I can even render a aif from Logic and store it on my> >>>>
external, then boot into XP and listen to the same file in Winamp ->
>>>> sounds like the original moreso than iTunes does. Go figure.>
>>>>> >>>> Dominic Tetmyer> >>>> domtetmyer@xxxxxxx> >>>> c:
928.600.5387> >>>>> >>>> On Oct 29, 2007, at 7:30 PM, Graham Miller
wrote:> >>>>> >>>>> ... the sound out of my music.> >>>>>> >>>>>
here's my setup:> >>>>>> >>>>> imac G5 with a MOTU traveler. all the
computer sound is going> >>>>> through the MOTU traveler.> >>>>>>
>>>>> now get this:> >>>>>> >>>>> if i open a track or song in the
quicktime player, it sounds> >>>>> beautiful. great. perfect. just
as it should.> >>>>>> >>>>> if i open a track or song in iTunes, the
supposed Apple Music> >>>>> Player, the quality is not there. i
can't put my finger on it> >>>>> exactly, but it sounds worse.
slightly. there is some digital> >>>>> distortion, i believe. and
these are 16 or 24 bit audio files too,> >>>>> not MP3 atrocities.
i've turned off all the EQ crap and whatever> >>>>> else is in the
iTunes preferences that could screw with the purity> >>>>> of my
music. it's all off. but still, i think iTunes sounds > >>>>>
terrible.> >>>>>> >>>>> any ideas here?> >>>>>> >>>>> why does
quicktime sound fine, but iTunes doesn't?> >>>>>> >>>>> i've had
this problem since day one.> >>>>>> >>>>> arg.> >>>>>> >>>>> g.>
>>>>>> >>>>>
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