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Re: [microsound] beginning-less universe
How about adding this knot into the fabric, re:
"in this way you have your continuous indefinite loop, with each iteration of
the universe being unique. you could also have the system I mentioned
earlier about users being able to upload a valid sample at any time for the
sampler to choose from, and kicking out the oldest sample from the list
(thereby having conservation of the number of samples.) Don't worry if you
want a sample back in you just have to reload it sometime, and it will be
among the sample library until it is kicked out based on date. In this
sense you have continuous creation, the project could be manipulated at any
time by any user simply by uploading a new sample into the library for the
random chooser to pick from."
In this particular situation, before a sample is re-fed into the pool by the user who originally uploaded it, maybe it should be changed in some way. That way, redundancy is kept to a minimum and the iterations/combinations continuously evolve while maintaining kernels of what came before. That isn't to say that the cosmos doesn't have its redundancies, but there would still be recognizable elements fed back into the pool - just not replicas.
On the whole, this project sounds like a great idea.
Robert Lewis <ionizing@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Bard, you have:
1. creation state
Play,as a sequencer, a arrangement of samples. applying only small
changes to samples. The same arrangement only with small variations
though noticable.
lets say part one lasts for 3 min or so
2. random state
Complete and utter random. for a much shorter time span. 15 sec.
3. destruction state
part one in reverse.
To this i might add the sample decision algorithm (unless i am not
understanding your first step completely):
4. recombination state
vary some or all of the samples that will be loaded into the sequencer for
the next iteration. ie load in some or all new samples, so that each
iteration of the universe is different (as is theorized in the standard
theories on this topic.)
5. goto step 1
so it could break down like this:
1. load in the samples
2. creation state (play back samples with some form of modulation/effect,
3. random state
4. destruction state (creation state in reverse)
5. goto step one and repeat, each time loading in an all new or partly new
set of samples during step 1.
in this way you have your continuous indefinite loop, with each iteration of
the universe being unique. you could also have the system I mentioned
earlier about users being able to upload a valid sample at any time for the
sampler to choose from, and kicking out the oldest sample from the list
(thereby having conservation of the number of samples.) Don't worry if you
want a sample back in you just have to reload it sometime, and it will be
among the sample library until it is kicked out based on date. In this
sense you have continuous creation, the project could be manipulated at any
time by any user simply by uploading a new sample into the library for the
random chooser to pick from.
i could see this being a cool installation/exhibit as well, where users
could record a sample into a microphone and the algorithm incorporates it
into its library based on the same time/conservation of sample size idea.
anyhow, just some thoughts. Not sure if I understood your step one
p.s. apparently the reply was rejected by the list as being too big, so i
deleted a lot of the quoted material. hope this doesnt mess up anyones
gmail conversations, though i think that is based on topic heading so it
should work still. if this ends up being a double post it is because the
list told me it rejected the first one.
On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 1:54 PM, Bård Harazi Farbu
> Hi Mike
> Super!
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