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RE: [microsound] blocks of time

I have to disagree with this. Sound artists work with longer blocks of time, true, but in most of the cases they do so knowing that the expectator will only listen to a short period of his work. (ie. a gallery opens 12 hours a day, and the sound art installation may be on all this time, but it would be extremely uncommon that a visitor stayed there the whole time, in most cases he leaves after a few minutes, at best).

So, in this level, i believe that the sound artist's work cannot be compared to that of a traditional live musician or a filmmaker, whose work is meant to be watched from start to finish.

Of course, following the logic I just proposed, other kinds of live music (raves or Morton Feldman's longer works come to mind) are structured in a similar way to those of sound artists.

> and sound artists or installation artists deal with longer blocks of  
> time - more like macro-events
> which has been an area I'm moving into lately i.e. longer cycles and  
> rhythms of time and what takes place inside them

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