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Re: [microsound] Graphic Scores

Go to your local library and check out "The New Music" by Reginald
Smith-Brindle (Oxford, 1973, but there are later editions). It has a
whole chapter on graphic music and graphic notation examples abound
throughout the book.

Now, if you only want synthesis-related graphic scores, Stockhausen's
Studie II and Ligeti's Artikulation are two seminal examples, though
the score for the latter was created after the fact.


On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 2:12 AM, jason <ghostofjason@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I'm currently carrying out research into graphic scores and synthesis. I was wondering if list members could highlight, in their opinion some of the most notable + interesting examples of this. I'm thinking along the lines of Earl Brown's abstract score for December 1952 and Stockhausen's score for Kontakte?
> interested to hear your responses.
> thanks,
> Jess
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