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Re: [microsound] setting up Indexhibit

thanks guys,
I was looking for something like this for posting some music,
as I generally dislike template-based commercial "sitebuilders",
while at the same time my programming skills are pretty much close to zero...
this is what I came out at the moment, still very much a work in progress...


strangely, the site looks and behaves differently on firefox, safari
and ie on my mac.
not sure if the app is buggy or some mistake I made (or a mix of both?).
open to questions/feedback/suggestions!



On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 5:51 PM, Graham Miller
<grahammiller@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> thanks so much for this kim! this is great info.
> it will be my mission now to get something up and going within the next few
> weeks.
> all the best,
> graham
> On 10-Oct-08, at 2:33 PM, Kim Cascone wrote:
>>> thanks for the info kim!
>>> i really know nothing about the web, so what you just wrote might as
>>> well be in an alien language:)
>>> i find it frustrating since it's a major stumbling block and is
>>> really stopping me from getting my music/sound out there.
>>> it all seems so overwhelming, i don't know where to begin.
>> graham
>> if you have an Internet account you probably have server space
>> if you have server space you have an account that allows you to admin your
>> web space
>> so I would log into the control panel for your account
>> and start getting familiar with the various web apps offered there
>> you don't really have to become a CS student to grok this stuff
>> it sounds a lot more complex than it is
>> and tends to scare people easily
>> but for what you want to do
>> you just need to know what text to type into which box in which app
>> so first you need to check the versions supplied by your ISP for both
>> MySQL and PHP
>> easy enough to do
>> next,
>> >>Before you begin:
>> >>You will need to have the connection information to your MySQL database.
>> this just means a name and path for your db
>> >> If you don't have this information you should check your webhost
>> >> control panel or ask your webhost. You should have the following
>> >> information:
>> >>- database host
>> >>- database name
>> >>- database username
>> >>- database password
>> >>Once you have all of the above you are ready.
>> MySQL has a control panel on your server
>> so you'll need to create a new database for Indexhibit to access
>> not difficult to create a new MySQL db -- there should be a FAQ or a help
>> file accessible to guide you through this process
>> next,
>> >>Uploading Files:
>> >>Using your FTP application, upload the contents of the indexhibit folder
>> >> into the desired folder on your site - in most cases this will probably be
>> >> the root folder of your website >>(consult your webhost if you aren't sure
>> >> where to upload files).
>> download the indexhibit package from:
>> http://www.indexhibit.org/download/
>> if it mangles the filename
>> you'll need to change it to something and then attach a .zip suffix
>> filetype to the file
>> then unzip this and keep it somewhere handy
>> the file will be called 'indexhibitv070e' or something
>> on root to your hard drive or something easy to get to
>> next I would assume you have a ftp app of some sort
>> if you then I recommend Fireftp
>> http://fireftp.mozdev.org/
>> it works in directly in Firefox, is simple to use and very well organized
>> once you have that installed you'll need to access your web server with
>> your ftp app
>> go to your http directory
>> and upload the
>> >>Find the 'files' and 'gimgs' folders and change their permissions to 777
>> >> (the gimgs folder is inside of the files folder). Inside the 'ndxz-studio'
>> >> folder change the 'config' folder >>permissions as well to 777.
>> after uploading the files mentioned above
>> find the files/directories
>> right click on it
>> select properties
>> and change the permissions to '777'
>> >>Installing:
>> >>Next, direct your browser to your_site/ndxz-studio/install.php
>> point your browser to (whatever your domain is):
>> grahamfoobar.com/ndxz-studio/install.php
>> and some sort of control panel should appear and follow the rest of the
>> steps:
>> >>- select your language and submit
>> >>- if you have followed all the previous steps you will see green X's
>> >>- input your site name and your database information and submit
>> >>- if all went well, it will tell you to login
>> now I have actually installed it myself so there might be some gotcha's
>> along the way that I haven't hit
>> but let me know how your progress?
>> good luck
>>> at least
>>> with software, you can read the manual. there is no manual for the
>>> internet:)
>>> i'm going to wikipedia some those acronyms and see what i can come up
>>> with...
>>> i have several domain names registered... i just gotta figure out how
>>> to put something up.
>>> thanks again,
>>> graham
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