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Re: [microsound] performing in "second life"?
- To: microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [microsound] performing in "second life"?
- From: reSet Sakrecoer <sakrecoer@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 22:35:42 +0100
- Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=gamma; h=domainkey-signature:received:received:message-id:date:from:to :subject:in-reply-to:mime-version:content-type:references; bh=ni7QqMtBEBZ+jwVa8LqsDTtoc4Qg96UuGf1V+In+MXE=; b=Zv3UqY+DfysNNM6w3xgAcI/4pTTWZjyzkCH5JumwC6lLoD4phny3o7VeAmEZTdAi4X D7W9DNZN5SWNWcyOc70Qy7InPz3kEPPW5hdmQ/d5clcdHOl55MGVEyG/HJqUFp+U4dQw 3xy/EM+S5XjykT4PQ7PakfXUlxM0bd5sD1zto=
ah yeah... a notabenne for people interesting in making money in second
open up a trash collecting company to take care of the data trashbin of the
trash collecting is the only necessary business, in any human activity ;)
On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 10:33 PM, reSet Sakrecoer <sakrecoer@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
> wow.... sorry for the spelling in that one..... i'm usualy a realy bad
> typer, but tonight i'm sitting on a french keyboard, making me even
> worse....
> On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 10:31 PM, reSet Sakrecoer <sakrecoer@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>> i like the futuristic side of the idea as well, but i can't claim i love
>> it... there is a big part of fritening in it also for me....
>> when comes to people making a great deal of money, i don't doubt it a
>> second of my life... where there is money to be maid there is always a few
>> making a great deal of money...
>> what i wonder is whether this realy is such a cool idea...
>> ever since the digital became so big, alot of people reduce life and
>> existenace to the brain and it's electric pathes...
>> but life is also chemical, vibrational and a great deal of magic...
>> what happend to the interest about that? isn't the universe much bigger
>> than electricity? is there any lightnings in outerspace?
>> i would not say i'm against it, i'm rather excited about the whole virtual
>> reality thing... i just think there still is much more to be explored than
>> electricties endless possibilities...
>> needed to have it said.
>> yours truley,
>> Set
>> On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 3:09 AM, Graham Miller <grahammiller@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>> > wrote:
>>> the whole concept is sooo futuristic... i love it!
>>> On 22-Nov-08, at 12:02 PM, John Hudak wrote:
>>> hello folks. a query. after having heard rolf julius play last evening
>>>> at
>>>> roulette in nyc, i got to thinking about what the "experimental
>>>> intermedia
>>>> foundation" must have been like in the 60s and 70s as described in tom
>>>> johnson's book of writings. my impression is that it was a place for
>>>> musicians to experiment with sounds in front of other musicians (as well
>>>> as
>>>> other interested parties), and perhaps get feedback on what they were
>>>> doing. there are a number of spaces in nyc that this may informally
>>>> occur
>>>> at, roulette being one of them; but what would it be like if something
>>>> like
>>>> this were to be started in "second life." while i know almost next to
>>>> nothing about "second life," i was wondering if there are perhaps some
>>>> people on the microsound list that have had any experience with this
>>>> kind of
>>>> thing, and if people know of some spaces that already exist there that
>>>> might
>>>> be interested in microsound-ish sounds. also, if anyone can recommend a
>>>> place to start into "second life," that would also be nice.
>>>> best,
>>>> john
>>>> --
>>>> http://www.johnhudak.net
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>> --
>> Set Hallström
>> AKA
>> reSet Sakrecoer
>> +34 697 903 606
> --
> Set Hallström
> reSet Sakrecoer
> +34 697 903 606
Set Hallström
reSet Sakrecoer
+34 697 903 606