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Re: [microsound] q's: + v/vm
> do composers on this list prefer Mac or PC platform? and what new software
> for that particular platform is worth checking out?
I'm using a PC. I've not running Linux so I may not be experiencing the
true strength of my computer. I've decided to move to Mac because of the
software that is being and has been written solely for the Mac platform.
Josh Kay showed me what he was doing with Max (in the month or so that he's
had it) and it confirmed my desicion to switch in a couple of months.
I'm using a Nord micro modular and I agree that it is an amazing tool. I
did my first live performance last night. I accompanied Edward Bobb on
stage and was using the micro mod to process some of his sounds from
Audiomulch for pc.
This is a fun beta worth exploring.
http://www.hitsquad.com/smm/programs/AudioMulch/ I found the micromodular
a little lacking (unless you're creative), well, a better way to say it is
limiting, in terms of sound processing. But that is not it's sole intent.
Afterwards V/VM played (just James Kirby). It was a bleeding ear for the
first ten minutes. I'm still in pain. Then he went into actual songs that
he appropriated and processed, such as the U.K.'s national anthem.
Spellbinding. He was wearing a pig mask the whole time. We have to play
again on saturday and I am not looking forward to it. I love my hearing.