Mail Index
- October 27, 1999
- October 28, 1999
- Re: Fwd: [microsound] pita's "get out", Peter Rehberg
- do less, say more!, kim
- Re: [microsound] do less, say more!, Joshua Reuven
- Re: [microsound] Re: Fwd: [microsound] pita's "get out", taylor deupree
- recommendations, Sean Cooper
- Re: [microsound] Re: Fwd: [microsound] pita's "get out", David Robert
- zooming in..., taylor deupree
- Re: [microsound] recommendations, JHarley239
- recommendations, Goxflee
- further in.. . . . . . . . ., richard chartier
- suggestions, anechoicmedia
- Luening Re: [microsound] recommendations, ADSR
- Re: do less, say more!, anechoicmedia
- Re: [microsound] further in.. . . . . . . . ., David Robert
- Hi. This is the qmail-send program at'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out., integer
- Re: [microsound] Hi. This is the qmail-send program at'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out., David Robert
- FM wins award!, anechoicmedia
- computer music journal article, kim
- container anxiety, R. Ecalcitrance
- Re: [microsound] container anxiety, kim
- October 29, 1999
- interesting site, kim
- infraultra, pedro monkeyfinger
- Re: [microsound] q's:, m
- sound weapons, Arelar33
- Re: [microsound] q's:, taylor deupree
- Re: [microsound] q's:, TOUCH
- fennesz, taylor deupree
- z68z868, integer
- q, richard chartier
- Re: [microsound] z68z868: Q, taylor deupree
- Re: [microsound] q's:, Bernhard Loibner
- q's:, anechoicmedia
- Re: [microsound] sound weapons, CM von Hausswolff
- Re: [microsound] q's:, kid606 ....
- Re: [microsound] q's:, pedro monkeyfinger
- 9z7.o7o9xo7o97, integer
- p7xxp97/799797, integer
- Re: [microsound] q's:, taylor deupree
- Re: [microsound] q's:, taylor deupree
- lo97o7, integer
- zo6.o86, integer
- Re: [microsound] q's: + v/vm, Eddie Peel
- container anxiety, R. Ecalcitrance
- z.o97.o79, integer
- platform qs, Arelar33
- Re: [microsound] platform qs, taylor deupree
- [no subject], integer
- Re: [microsound] platform qs, kim
- c o m p u t e r m u s i c p r o g r a m s . P C, kim
- Re: [microsound] q's:, Goxflee
- Re: [microsound] Audiosculpt and other interests, Goxflee
- Re: [microsound] q's:, R. Ecalcitrance
- Re: [microsound] q's:, ADSR
- Re: [microsound] q's:, Drusca
- Re: [microsound] q's: ( b1257+12 site), ADSR
- Oval Process Software? + some links, ADSR
- Audiosculpt, Arelar33
- October 30, 1999
- p97789, integer
- xp997, integer
- px979p, integer
- ,8z686, integer
- Re: [microsound] ,8z686, R. Ecalcitrance
- ,zoo68, integer
- Re: [microsound] shirt trax, Hrvatski
- shirt trax, Sean Cooper
- shirt trax, Mark Fell
- Re: [microsound] q's:, Bernhard
- z97.79, integer
- Re: [microsound] shirt trax, taylor deupree
- pulseprogramming?, taylor deupree
- x.p979p7, integer
- l8z686, integer
- Re: [microsound] pulseprogramming?, p i m m o n
- Re: [microsound] pulseprogramming?, taylor deupree
- Re: [microsound] shirt trax, picicci
- Re: [microsound] q's:, miles
- pulseprogramming, anechoicmedia
- Re: [microsound] shirt trax, anechoicmedia
- Re: [microsound] shirt trax, Sean Cooper
- October 31, 1999
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