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re: [microsound] visuals...

Guillaume Grenier wrote:

>On 16/08/2000 12:31, Øivind Idsø said in living color:

>> Also, what´s the name of the first Underworld video? Lots of
>> black and white dots and lines etc. Quite old, and very, very
>> good/trippy.

>That would be "Cowgirl", from "Dubnobasswithmyheadman". Good 
>video indeed.

Nope, that would be "Rez". "Cowgirl" is good too, but is more focused on
typography and wordplay (and rather brilliantly, by the way; the words that
can be confused in the lyrics [eraser/razor etc] are interchanged in the
video, so you can't ever be sure just _what_ Mr Hyde is raving on about.
Good one, Tomato.)

Fav. video for me: Mihon by Ongaku, or "Grammy Winners" by Funkstörung. And
oh yeah, that video with Bloodhound Gang where they're running around
