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Re: [microsound] subway (was off-icmc discourse)
> I´d really like to, some day, play at a subway station or at an airport,
> though
> this seems very difficult to achieve.
A couple of years ago (rather 4 years or so) I witnessed a performance in
one of the Montreal's metro stations by a trio Les Impromptistes. If I'm
not mistaken they even have a CD on empreintes digitales. They even got
some media coverage with event (CBC or something...). It was an
interesting event because it was almost unadvertised and they were
situated in a place where 2 office buildings meet. So they played in
the morning where a lot of people were going to work, lunch time and
around 5PM. It seemed to be a big surprise to all those who work in the
area. Some run away, others couldn't fight their curiosity and stayed a
bit. Overall it was an inetersting event. I think there should more of
such performances.