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RE: [microsound] ahhh, he want's CREDIT!!!
-----> BTW: this isn't about fennesz or a particular person at
-----all. . . Its more
-----> about credit, and on some level honesty. . .
-----It's about ego!!!!!
-----I actually admire the CD's that have NO CREDITS.
-----It's not hyped by the engineer, the producer, the
-----studio, the technology, nothing...it is about just the music.
hey all, I thought I'd stick my head in here for just a minute,
This discussion which questions whether or not people's motives are ego
driven seems about as fruitful as the "how-to-avoid-the-star-system" thread
some weeks ago. Yes it is certainly possible to find cd's without credits
as being "just about the music." But the inverse is also possible. I have
seen releases which use scarcity of information as some sort of cheap
minimalist badge of honor or as a way for the artist to thumb his or her
nose at those who are so shallow as to be interested in who helped create
the music. And that would be egotism as well if you ask me. It doesn't
mean that the work has no value (I think Miles Davis's 'On the Corner' is an
example of someone trying make a statement by a lack of information and it's
certainly a good recording). But statements abound these days and they've
lost their impact on me, at least. As an artist (albeit not a musical one)
I've come to realize as of late that the only way I can create meaningful
work is to not concern myself with constantly second guessing my motives (or
anybody else's for that matter) and to get drawn into a kind of reactionary
tug of war. It's too easy to fall for the game of irony and knowing self
referentialism and to tell you the truth its really draining of your
resourses, don't you think?