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[microsound] Mutek...from inside

At 12:45 PM -0700 6/14/01, anechoic wrote:
>not to rush to Muteks defense but please keep in mind that Mutek's budget
>was severly cut this year...I'm sure in order to guarantee breaking even
>they had to consider hiring "name" acts with a more accessible
>"avant-"house" sound...the people who organize Mutek work very hard and did
>an amazing job with the funding they were able to get...
>hopefully next year (if there is one for Mutek) they will have more money
>to play with and can continue to present cutting edge sound artists...
>all we have to do is get Bush out of office and the economy will be fine
>again! ;) YEAH
>just my 2 cents

Thanks KIM for this 2 cents.

Eric Mattson, online, special guest for Mutek program 2000 and 2001,
co-editor of Mutek CD cOmpilation

Being involved in Mutek programming, I'm quite sensible on these topics.
Also, I' m not part of the administration, technics and fundings of the
Complaints or critics from some of Mutek spectators are also the highlights
for others.
Some don't like some events as others do like them.  Some hated Ex-Centris
set-up, some hated SAT set-up.
Above all, Mutek has been a success, and may help to open wider the
alternative electronic scene in Montreal. Mutek is not only events, it's
alos a gathering of friends, apool for interaction and a time to build
collaborative projects for the future. Mutek 2001 has been one foot more in
the good direction.

As I permanently answer, everything has been done with mostly no fundings,
no major sponsors. Everything came because of a bunch of followers and an
amazing public. Regarding the program, we, the "program committee", are
quite open minded persons, and I do support all decisions Alain Mongeau,
Mutek main director, did take. Sure, some names  didn't appear, but this
may be corrected in a proximate future !!!!!

Press: Mutek had a great press support, and this point will gain us
visibility to manage other editions, we hope.
The press cover of Mutek has been made becoz' some of the most well-known
performer these days performed at Mutek. This is a major point. There is no
way you can manage such a festival without having these performers.
Performers, we were delighted to welcome. Important : we may never bring
over and curate shows we dislike. (punct!)

I, personally, would really prefer to curate some of the most edged
muscians of today, but never forget the cost of their venues is mostly the
same as any of the "glamourous" artists we had. Never is there a special
price at hostels or for plane tickets for less-known performers.
Mutek budget was low, really low for such a festival, every musicians
cutting their needs, curators working for nothing,  and results : Mutek is
under, not dramatically, but under. Just think about it.

Next year,  spectrum may be even wider, becoz' I would like to help
curating a more opened festival and becoZ' it would help to bring
incredible incredibely unknown performers.

Help Mutek by your support....Thanks

ADD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...buy Mutek CD compilation, 13 tracks,
11 never before...released tracks

Akufen.....Denture broth
Jonas Bering........Maze
Thomas Brinkmann.....Bariolé, découpé, déplacé.........specially composed
for Mutek and....Montreal
Goem....Lokatie Rotterdam
Matmos.....Ur Tchun Tan Tse Qi...........from latest LP, CD
Closer Music....Piraten......From Kompakt LP compilation Total2
Mikael Stavöstrand......Vertical
Mitchell Akiyama.....Sea Spray
Gustavo Lamas.....Enredos..................

.....available through Fusion3 (montreal), EFA, in all good stores

Eric Mattson, ORAL, MUTEk_rec

.............. ............ . ............ . ............
ORAl #2: Akufen 03-04-05, 12" AVAILABLE /DISPONIBLE...9 US$  (with post,
Canada, US), 12 US$ (worldwide)
distribution: Kompakt, Phonics
............. ............
ORAL_CD#1: Ælab    "Sparks series"     s1 * s8p * s8
	order directly from Oral/commande directe....13 US$  (with post)

COH, Ivan Pavlov (Raster Noton / Wavetrap)
"I deeply enjoyed the AE sparks release. I like the crisp sound of the
whole record, slightly reminiscent of Iceland's stiluppsteypa - reminiscent
in a good way: very few succeed in precise beauty, though many try. ... -
it is music. Diverse and yet continuous..."
Richard Chartier (line / 12k)
 "Sparks has a rich intensity with its thick electrical drones. the
listener can really get lost in this piece and seeing the film only adds to
the experience even more. a favourite recording of mine which still grows
in beauty after repeated listening"
............ ............
ORAl #CD2: Akufen,  Music for pregancy CD
	AVAILABLE next summer, Disponible été 2001 http://www.oral.qc.ca
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