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Re: [microsound] any good releases lately?

Toral's show in Toronto was nice. He did a Niblock piece...Plus the photographs on the walls fell off (small place not equipped for this kinda stuff)....Ambarchi was also impressive at the Tonic in NYC..What Main should have sounded like live.

This newer Julius album is spectacular..Hafler Trio fans will dig it. Anomalous has it. Rolf Julius has plenty of stuff out.



  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dale K Lloyd 
  To: microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
  Cc: microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 9:37 PM
  Subject: Re: [microsound] any good releases lately?

  On Wed, 8 Aug 2001 17:33:08 -0400 "yatra arts" <yatra-arts@xxxxxxxx>

  > The latest Rolf Julius cd is a true gem for "Microsounders" called 
  > "Halb Schwarz" on X-T/Edition RZ..

  > Rafael Toral on Touch 
  Yes, the Toral on Touch is very nice. I forgot to mention it earlier,
  being on a Japanese roll. Another of the few guitar related releases that
  has appealed to me lately.Very meditative. I haven't been aware of the
  Julius release, though. I'll have to check that out. He's probably not
  coming up to Seattle...  
  > The new CD, _Above Buildings_, is also quickly becoming a fave.

  Yes, this is also one of the better releases I've bought this year. I'm
  looking forward to Comae which is to be out soon. 
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