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Re: [microsound] severed heads and you :) (forwarded message)

Australian band, had some good records...Doing stuff way before many....This music has a history!
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Akira Rabelais 
  To: severed-heads@xxxxxxxxxx 
  Cc: microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
  Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2001 4:00 PM
  Subject: Re: [microsound] severed heads and you :) (forwarded message)

  | Akira Rabelais
  | (Now there's a cute moniker).
  | High pitch shifted shortwave radio. OK. but no banana.

  I've got a 'banana' baby, right here! These comments remind me of those guys 
  who stand around in guitar shops saying 'I can do that, yeah I can do 

  and I have to admit that I've never heard of the 'Severed Heads', is it 
  early eighties dance drivel? was I just too in Cabaret Voltaire to notice?

  | What is
  | worthy is the same emotive and melodic elements that underpin all music.

  then why the hell are you checking out something called 'Maschinlle 
  Strategeme'? if you're looking for emotive and melodic elements check out my 
  disc of Satie and Bartok interpretations... b    ee    yot    ch    ee.

            Akira  'the banana'  Rabelais

          N                                     NO2
        _/|X_                                    |
      _/  |  X_                                  N
  CH2/   CH2   XCH2                             / X
    |     |     |                            CH2   CH2+3CH2O+NH3
    |     N     |   + 3HNO3 ---------->       |     |
    |    / X    |                         NO2-N     N-NO2
    | CH2   CH2 |                              X   /
    | /       X |                               CH2
    N/         XN
     X__     __/                         Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine
        X   /
         CH2            http://AkiraRabelais.com


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