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How can you be surprised by what happened...at least an ostrich has the excuse of having the foresight of a bigmac. The kind of human being who can write this is one who does not mix emotion with ideology ...the aestheticization of politics ..often through emotive and overtly emotional commuications is the most harmful and effective rhetoric used most successfully by our long lost play mate Adolf and we all know what a nasty bad man he was.
I really liked the comment about Macedonia, hotels and Texas...are you doin it wild style with a 'progressive' tabloid owner or taking lithium or both. The point is that we control these economies uunequivocably and they are the necassary economies that turn the cogs of productive desire within 'flexibly accumulative' capitalism of which we are all a part. Also inherent within this system is a country that deals in terrorism and has done every day of every year for the past 50 years. Whether this be the (not so) abstracted version of economic sanctioning against Cuba or whether it be the overt violence of the Gulf war, the USA trades in violence, its built upon economies and narratives of war....it needs the spectre of terrorism .....it needs the violence of terrorism to justify its own huge indsutries and economies of violence. If there was no enemy, no violence, then the USA (and the rest of the first world waitress's) would not be able to propogate their day to day existence which is based upon there being a global underclass that churns out products and spends the money on buying weapons for civil war's. This is a crass reduction but then so are peoples attention and I'm reaching my TV sinbin time period here.
If anybody cares about why this might have happened ..maybe read a bit of Noam Chomsky or others who have done the research on american foreign policy and revel in the wonder that the USA has not endured this or worse before. This is not saying that I think that the spectacle of tuesday is right or wrong, more that the reactions of - " what kind of human
being can you possibly be to respond to something like this in this way?
there is a good chance that close to 40,000 people have died. all had
friends, all had family. all of it senseless and horrifically tragic."...are exactly what the USA government count on when passing their smashing new resolutions to drop kinda important civil tracts like...assasinations are uncostitutional down the shitter.
I don't see how WTC is more tragic than the everyday violence of USA internal and foreign policy. Sure its quicker...so 30,000 people die in 20 seconds rather than over 1 month in the middle east. The abstraction of violence through distance and time is such a well worn and used strategy and even our wonderful liberals don't seem to get it. Why be so sorrowful because mass death comes in the reductive temporality of a terrorsit attack when the way we live as first world citizens from day to day reinforces a slower and more massive violence globally every day. The oh so human sorrow from these events is endemic within a culture which regards itself as somehow more human than those who fall outside of its identity range. Why not feel sick with frustration, sorrow and compassion every day given that state sanctioned attrocities are every day life for so many people around the globe.
The spectacle of New York is the internal penetration that the Bush admin was waiting for....the star wars orgy for the new millenium. The USA needs and desires spectacles such as tuesdays...because they are the narratives that they constructed ..and if nobody had a conversation with them, then these narratives would disappear just as languages that are not spoken die.
The issues here are not compassion or lack of it..or who you knew in the event or did not...(this is the worst authenticity or I know for real cause I new someone bullshit) ...the 'human grief and tragedy' is exactly the wooly arse around tit balaclava of myopia that the mass populace want in times like this and is the headwear that is supplied by government discourse as they draft new NATO sanctioned (check out Chapter 5..its a beauty) strategies that will go make the next 50 years a real joy.
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