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Re: [microsound] Deleuze Influence on Post Digital Music

So give me my frickin' big-ass belt, then!

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Fodel" <DFodel@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "'The pHarmanaut '" <pharmanaut@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; "'microsound '"
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 11:42 PM
Subject: RE: [microsound] Deleuze Influence on Post Digital Music

> He knocked his block off!!!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: The pHarmanaut
> To: microsound
> Sent: 4/11/02 8:32 PM
> Subject: Re: [microsound] Deleuze Influence on Post Digital Music
> First layer (lowercase sarcasm extended): um, isn't there a label called
> Mille Plateaux that in some vague and roundabout way references a
> miniscule
> "work" by Deleuze/Guattari? And, um, didn't this label release a
> compilation
> disc called "In Memorium Gilles Deleuze" featuring homages/eulogies by
> the
> likes of  wehovsky/wollscheid - :zoviet*france: - alec empire - cristian
> vogel - christophe charles - atom heart - gas - chris & cosey - j.
> burger -
> steel - blue byte - trans am - rome - jim o'rourke - oval - mouse on
> mars -
> ian pooley - bleed - tobias hazan - scanner - dj spooky the subliminal
> kid -
> fetisch park - d2 - kerosene - el turco loco - beequeen? Of course, it's
> highly doubtful that any of these folks had anything to do with "the
> current
> state of digital music" either, so even if they were influenced by
> Deleuze,
> it's largely irrelevant, I suppose.
> -- I've been without my email account for about a week, so excuse me if
> someone already pointed this out to the dunderhead quoted below --
> Second layer (sarcasm relief): a discussion of influence (intended or
> not)
> seems less pertinent than the recognition of kindred tendencies within
> the
> diverse fields of artistic/philosophical expression. Trying to detect
> and
> define influence is inevitably a kind of chicken-and-egg situation, and
> it's
> frequently beside the point. Whether a hip-hop or glitch artist read
> Deleuze
> and said, "Hey, I want to make music in a certain way because of this
> passage on rhizomatic synthesis!" is much less important than the
> recognition that deeper relationships exist among the superficially
> different realms of digital music and philosophy. The ability to
> recognize
> these shared layers and common tendencies puts us in contact with
> something
> more archetypal ... and as we detect archetypal modes of
> experience/expression, particularly as these help to define a certain
> era, I
> think we come into contact with the movements of the collective
> imagination:
> that is, the big picture. So, then, it's more worthwhile recognizing
> that
> Deleuze and Guattari are grappling with certain issues in _A Thousand
> Plateaus_ that are shared with and common to, say, a practioner of
> granular
> synthesis. The big mistake in the quote at the bottom of this post is
> that
> it assumes theorists don't practice; rather, we need to recognize that
> the
> formal approach adopted by D&G is shared with the formal approach of the
> granular synthesist, turntablist, etc.
> -=Trace
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "lowercase" <brad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: "microsound" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 3:01 PM
> Subject: Re: [microsound] Deleuze Influence on Post Digital Music
> > good thing words and concepts don;t influence the way we think about
> > things.  good thing that meme's don't exist.  since the world is all
> > direct and explicit we don't have to worry about OUR ideas impacting
> > anyone elses.  afterall, i've never sat down with kim cascone, burnt
> > friedman, kit clayton or any of the others, so their theories about
> > music and how they think about things could never influence me.
> >
> > brad
> > p.s.  PLEASE catch the heavy dose of sarcasm.
> > On Wed, Apr 10, 2002 at 01:42:20PM -0700, tattermalion wrote:
> > >
> > > wait a second, how has deleuze had any influence on (post) digital
> music
> at all? i guess i missed those seminal releases on which he got all
> crazy w/
> Max Mathews back in the day. i also missed that fat patch he threw down
> in
> max/msp and that nifty algorythm that...
> > > really though, don't we give too much credit to the academians on
> this
> list. none of the writing done by theory jocks effect anything outside
> of
> the trajectory of their own careers. all these fellows do is translate
> happenings from out in the world into obscurantist jargon for others who
> want to "understand" things. i'll grant that deleuze has had an impact
> on
> the way people discuss all things post but i can't buy into the idea
> that
> his books have had anything whatsoever to do with the current state of
> digital music. the very notion is deluzional.
> > > all the tenured radicals trip over themselves in their rush to
> explain
> the "recombinant" aspects of hip hop and how its practices of
> appropriation
> in some way undermine oppressive social norms. what impact have these
> self
> important eggheads had on hip hop? you tell me.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ---------------------------------
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> > --
> > why'd you let go?
> > - anonymous rock climber
> >
> >
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