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Re: [microsound] call for content | Digital Salvage v.1

> It seems more emphasis is being put on the medium (technology) being
> used to make the art than the artwork itself.

I think that may be part of Salvaggio's point in making this call, actually.
He seems to suggest, on the one hand, that an overemphasis on the technology
of Flash could lead net.art into a certain redundancy of style, particularly
as folks swap/steal ActionScripts the way others swap/steal MAX patches.
Further, I think the stylistic redundancy was further exacerbated by a
redundancy of subject matter, hence the rule forbidding self-reflective
works (works on the subject or theme of technology and Internet).

Please don't think that I'm anti-Flash by any means. There's some great
stuff out there, like Eloy's "On Sunday Mornings" series.

> I understand that your medium can constrain you and taint your art to
> have a certain character, but this does not mean that you can't create
> something new.

Precisely what I got out of these "six rules," whether Salvaggio intended it
or not, was to approach this as a way to accept artificial constraints as a
way to shake free from perceptual blinders and be goaded into something new
through the process itself. I see this contest, then, as something more
along the lines of an Oulipo game. As a general rule, I despise manifestoes
and, when I saw that last posturing line of Salvaggio's, claiming that if no
one responded to his post then he'd quit the Rhizome list, I almost recanted
the call -- that was just a stupid thing for him to write. Who cares if he
quits? But, rather, I desired to defuse the manifesto-tendency by turning it
into a game.


> There may be confusion as to what is meant by "new". Are we talking
> about a new idea or a new look? If your medium is flexible enough, you
> will always be able to bring about new ideas. I can't imagine how
> painting could reach a point where no more new ideas could be expressed
> through it. It may be, however, that something like Flash is not
> flexible enough to be expressive outside of a small realm.
> I don't know, I haven't used it.
> -- jeremy avnet / brainsik .:. Public Key at http://brainsik.to/pubkey.asc
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