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RE: [microsound] software


hi everyone,
wondering about some software.  i'm trying to find some sequencing software
or something that will take some samples, and play them back either fully in
a controlled pattern or pretty much randomly, or maybe both at the same
time, based upon time signature/bpm.

You could also try Bidule, (www.plogue.com/bidule) a modular VST/VSTi and ASIO host that also has a bunch of non-deterministic MIDI modules
and a minimal sampler with which you could easily use to trigger random notes/samples.
Plus it as a set of spectral processing modules.

Bidule will be a commercial product,but we've started a long public beta phase.
Sorry for the blatant self promotion :)


David Viens, Software developer,
Plogue Art et Technologie Inc. Montreal.