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RE: [microsound] microguitargods was: VH

> Glenn Bach <gbach@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I don't really want to sound pretentious or anything but I did a piece,
> a 3 or 4 minutes study for one of my courses which used sampled guitar
> riffs and such from various recordings (Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin and
> others that I can't recall)...

Man, the zeitgeist is all over the place.  A group that I've been working
with, TangentLab (http://www.tangentlab.org) has been doing something called
The Jackal Project.  For our last show at the MCA Chicago, we did a
performance using hacked toy guitars to trigger videos of guitar gods in
action.  There is pitch and volume control, and lots of video samples.  When
played just right, it tends to be very microsound-ish.  It's up at a gallery
called Plug N Play in Louisville, KY until August 3rd if anyone's interested
in seeing it.  Photos from the MCA Solstice event and the performance are
here:  http://www.lizardacres.com/solstice/.  Lots of fun, that was...

(shameless self promotion) Oh, yeah, we'll be at SIGGRAPH next week with
more scavenged goodness...
     Christopher Sorg
   Multimedia Artist/Instructor
 The School of the Art Institute of Chicago