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Re: [microsound] share @ [ ]penair

Kim Cascone wrote:
> microsounders
> anyone with a laptop and a wireless card in the NYC tri-state area should
> get over to the [ ]penair for Share on Sundays
> http://share.dj/
> this is an amazing opportunity to share ideas, files, software, sound and
> pixels
> *every* city should have something like this...this is what I imagine heaven
> being like ;)
> KIM 

london has plug'n'play.

:: open mind, open source, open future ::

pgp key id: 0x28F1A432 (http://pgp.letusplay.net)
8E 52 EB F8 D1 43 3C 8B  43 53 DA 79 96 EE 0C D0  28 F1 A4 32
Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an
open one.
            -- Malcolm S. Forbes
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