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RE: [microsound] OT See men shredded, then say you don't back war
- To: "'microsound'" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: RE: [microsound] OT See men shredded, then say you don't back war
- From: "Falcata-Galia and Tariff Records" <fgrecs@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 20:15:52 -0800
-----Original Message-----
From: billashline@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:billashline@xxxxxxxxxxxx]=20
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 8:08 PM
To: microsound
Subject: Re: [microsound] OT See men shredded, then say you don't back
fgrecs@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>I did indeed say what I said. Unlike some, I don't run from my
>I didn't run from your comments either.
Very cute.
>>You're the one playing nasty, son, not me.
>Let's see. I argued that what's happening to the Chavez govt. bodes
>for other govts of the left. That the ruling elites would close ranks=20
>and shut down the economy. Rather than countering that argument with a
>substantive one of your own to show that mine might be mistaken, you=20
>said that my politics were "mush"and "blather", that I carried around a
>"little red book," and wear a "Che Guevara t-shirt." That's what I
>a cheap shot. Instead of attacking my argument, you decided to attack=20
>and ridicule me by aligning what I said with a bunch of other=20
>associations you had no business in making. And now you say that I'm=20
>playing "nasty." If that ain't the pot calling the kettle black. =20
Fine. I'm being rough with you because I've been following this thread
for awhile and it's finally irritated me so much that I had to make a
point. To make this VERY clear, I am attacking those who support the
mush and blather, NOT YOU PERSONALLY!!! If this isn't good enough for
you, then deal with it.
>>It is true both were elected, Chavez and Allende. And both turned out
>>to be creeps. One got knocked off, the other may in the near future.
>Sounds like you're advocating it. Even elected creeps are still=20
>elected, not that either of them are "creeps", but then you seem to be=20
>more into cheap shots than substantive claims. In any case, there's
>process for people who are elected that you don't want in power. it's=20
>called impeachment. Or wait till the next election and vote them out.
In Chavez's case I am. Spend time in Latin America and see how justice
is really done. I wish they'd all behave themselves too, as I really
love hanging out with them, but you have to understand realpolitik. I
recall someone slandering Joe as being "either na=EFve or stupid." It =
my opinion that it is the left that behaves in this way. Pipe dreams
are not what builds a government.
>>For Bush, you must not be too wise on American politics.
>Oh I'm afraid I'm all too wise about American politics.
I did not know you were a resident of the US. Then you have a right to
make any comment you wish. If you are not, then you don't know squat
about this place.
>> This is NOT a
>>democracy here, but a republic. An electoral college elects the
>>president, not the masses who vote. The forefathers who built this
>>country knew better than to blindly trust the masses (ex. Voters who
>>didn't punch their cards and left chads, people too blind to know who
>>they were voting for, people who had no idea how to fill out the
>>ballots, etc.).
>Yes, this is correct. The founding fathers were far too concerned
>their own property to allow the masses to have their way. Wasn't it=20
>Hamilton who once said that the people who own the country ought to be=20
>the ones who run it? In any case, if it isn't a democracy, let's end=20
>the charade of pretending it is and simply get rid of the vote. Allow=20
>the ruling class to choose the leadership. I'm sure you can imagine
>the masses will respond to that.
So the rule, "He who has the power has the gold, and he who has the gold
has the power." The fathers weren't ready for it, but the framework was
there to include EVERYONE. Spare me that votes don't matter. Democrats
just can't handle that they lost the presidency. Lincoln didn't get the
popular vote, either, and I think the country ended up doing well under
his leadership in the long run.
>>So yes, you're right. I don't dig democracy at all. The republican
>>concept is the best form of government, and it gets my support via
>>and civil service.
>OK. thanks for clarifying that.
My pleasure, guy. Not a problem.