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RE: [microsound] war
>Rudy (we must get together for a cup of tea)
I'm down for that.
>I did see the story, it was not about that, it was about the stupid
>reporter making a better photo IMO - but I am glad he was fired. Both
>photos were on Drudge which I read daily and
>the media is far from liberal unless
>you are a right to lifer or pro gun (which I am, in the 2nd amendment
I can't agree with that at all. If you are of the dominant religion
(being Orthodox, I am and I'm not - everyone asks why I don't have a
yarmulke when I say I'm Eastern Orthodox!), gay/lesbian issues, a host
of others. The media pimp for the right, but have stories written by
the left.
And myself, I'm pro-gun. An unarmed populace is a dead populace. Those
who doubt me, such as my European colleagues and American liberals,
forget what it's like to deal with invasions. Not exactly pleasant
>Define your terms
See above, my friend.
>But first read the book by Goldberg, the one by Coulter (yech) and the
>by Alterman
Coulter. I know liberals hate her, but she's a cute bird (yeah yeah,
sexist, etc. me...).
>Rudy, also try reading a little Goebbels and a little Bernays! Who
>the polls? Who owns those companies? I know these people, my girlfriend
>hired them - you can get anything you want from a poll. One more thing:
>a true sense the labor party might be considered left. The liberals in
That's the bosses who are always down for the status quo. Has been that
way since time immemorial. But the foot soldiers cling to the left like
Linus to the blanket.
>Well there was a saying in the 60s. The Republicans didn't want n*ggers
>the neighborhood, and the liberals didn't want negroes in the
>The left was destroyed by union busting goon squads and McCarthyism.
>hereos no doubt.
And it was the republicans who seemed to do more for the blacks than our
Dixie-crats ever did.
>You should have been around in the 80s and watched the turn from
I was. Didn't care for it then, either.
Best to you,