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Re: [microsound] eversharin'
> how is it that we're actually going to have people listen to it
> only once?
> what is it that will compell them to act in the proper way?
> (if there exists such a thing)
Clearly what's called for is that self-destructing DVD technology...
Just kidding, of course there's no way to insure anything -- but on the
other hand, why bother participating only to flout the intent? A pure
gesture from one perspective... but certainly not as much fun.
An idea for content of such a thing ~ each person who listens creates a
short composition (1 minute?) in response to what they've heard, and adds
it. Not a remix, just a response: so the document evolves into the record
of responses and counterresponses. Some might try to recreate something
from scratch. Others add what they didn't hear. Others, try to create
something that will tantalize in its ephemerality -- a joke perhaps with
the punchline garbled just so. Etc.
Of course this would become a headache as at every stop the disk would
have to be either re-made (with the terrible temptation to listen to
ripped tracks before re-burning them and deleting them...) or a rewritable
medium used (I just participated in a project involving a minidisc that's
forwarded from person to person, each contributor adds a two-minute
The MD idea would be perfect except I imagine not everyone would would
want to participate would have MD recorders, and some purists might reject
it for its use of compression.
Oh well, just a thought...