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Re: [microsound] Max/MSP for Windows

> I cannot think of a process/instrument that can be done with MSP and 
> cannot
> with PD.

strictly in terms of signal processing you may be right - after all, 
MSP and PD are close relatives.  is there a solid poly~ object in PD?  
(poly~ enables multiple instantiated internal patches, downsampling and 
upsampling, automatic voice allocation and DSP management, etc.)  i 
don't keep up with the latest in PD dev, but I would guess that some of 
the differences between software platforms are

1. pluggo - being able to turn your patches into plugins is pretty 
super.  (not finished yet for OS X or Windows, but coming soon)

2. standalones - being able to turn your patches into distributable 
applications is pretty super.  (ala everyone's good friend twerk)  (not 
finished yet for Windows but coming soon)

3. jitter - although video is the natural application, matrix-based 
processing is useful in all sorts of audio contexts

4. midi - if like me you still use hardware it's nice to use all of 
max's great midi processing tools

5. user interface - there are many very nice UI objects in max.  even 
if you're interested purely in DSP you still need friendly widgets to 
tweak the parameters

so anyway, that's my guess... and that's where the software is now, not 
where it is going.  lots of interesting curves ahead!
