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RE: [microsound] audio input in PC laptops

I'll probably start another battle between platforms by saying this, but
my experience with PC (windows) and Mac is:

- using a PC 'waste' much time controlling the OS, while using a Mac you
almost don't. A lot of thinking has already been done for you.
- some say that with a Mac, you can't run all those neat programs. This
is true, Mac has indeed lesser programs, but they're usually a lot better
- The best OS for PC audio is in my experience Windows 2000. I bought a
new laptop a two months ago (Acer Travelmate 430) with XP Pro, and I had
to reinstall XP three times, until I installed Windows 2000. Now
everything works fine and quite stable compared to any other Windows OS.
With Mac, those things happened too with Mac OS 9, but since the latest
releases of Mac OSX it seems you can't crash the device.
- Macs are afaik always built using A-quality components, while the
quality of hardware components in a PC varies from A to C quality
components. This causes more crashes.
- Second hand macs tend to keep their value more than second hand PC's.

I needed a laptop, and I didn't have the money for a PowerBook G4 with an
PCMCIA socket for my RME, otherwise I wouldn't have bought a PC laptop.

Tjeerd Sietsma

On Tue, 23 Mar 2004 12:23:46 +0100, gianluca_foglino@xxxxxx said:
> hi
> powerbook g4
> best solution
> cheers
> gianluca
> www.smbp.it  (sorry beacuse it's horrible)
> >-- Messaggio originale --
> >Reply-To: microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 11:17:16 +0100 (CET)
> >From: Daniel Brozek <dzemik@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >To: microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >Subject: [microsound] audio input in PC laptops
> >
> >
> >hello,
> >
> >I'm planning to buy a new PC laptop. Now I have got Toshiba
> >Satellite 1800 model, but the problem is with the audio
> >input port - it works only in MONO mode.
> >
> >Do you know any PC laptops which has got STEREO audio input
> >port?
> >
> >Another questions - which PC laptops has got high quality
> >audio sound carts?
> >
> >greets,
> >--
> >[ dANIEL bROZEK ::: http://www.venco.com.pl/~dzemik ]
> >
> >
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  Tjeerd Sietsma

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