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Re: [microsound] Silence But Louder

 First of all, I must say that the nature of the first part of this question
seems rather dubious. As if such a work isn't valid unless it's released on
a "professionally pressed CD"...?

Its all about setting the context

Is the silence in a box of TDK cd-r's on a shop shelf valid

By professionally pressed - I was just using this as an example of an
intended context - intent & will
----- Original Message -----
From: "zero zero-1" <slacklavish@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "microsound" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2004 9:38 AM
Subject: Re: [microsound] Silence But Louder

> What I would be more interested in is how many people actually sat and
listened intently to the cd for its
> duration...didnt walk away, didnt fast forward and say "oh, brilliant
charles! It's EMPTY!"  I know I would...fast
> forward it that is.
> :)
> am I repeating myself?
> Quoting Dale Lloyd <dkl37@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
> >
> > > Has anyone ever released a professionally pressed cd (not cd-r) of
> > > silence? If not what is the most silent album known to us?
> >
> > First of all, I must say that the nature of the first part of this
> > seems rather dubious. As if such a work isn't valid unless it's released
> > a "professionally pressed CD"...?
> >
> > That aside, one release that contains tracks using sounds that are
> > inaudible to the average human ear would be by *0 (Nosei Sakata)
> > 0.000. There is also an audible test tone track at the beginning and end
> > the disc. And yes, it was pressed on a "professionally pressed CD." Big
> > deal.
> >
> > Best, Dale
> >
> >
> >
> > Dale Lloyd: http://www.and-oar.org/dalelloyd.html
> > and/OAR: http://www.and-oar.org/
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