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Re: [microsound] Mac vs PC (linux information)

Many users/developers posted examples of software already, but it seems
like Loris is just a C++ library, and not a complete program. You can't
expect the average sounddesigner codes his own software? It's not that
I'm unimpressed with Loris or ungrateful for its free release but Loris
seems a bridge to far for most users.

On Wed, 16 Jun 2004 16:20:29 +0000 (UTC), "Phil Thomson"
<philthom@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> said:
> > e.g. I don't know any
> > linux-tool with which you can morph spectra. This of course could also
> > very well mean that I'm not that good in browsing the internet.
> Once, when browsing the internet, I found this:
> http://www.cerlsoundgroup.org/Loris/
> P
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  Tjeerd Sietsma

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