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Re: [microsound] ableton live

Phil Thomson asks;

> I've always wondered: can you do beatless stuff with Live? I've only tried
> Live once or twice, but the heavy orientation towards beats has turned me
> off.

yes, of cource, samples are samples. Actually i think it even has advantages
for situations where no loops are involved at all. A few weeks ago I had to
make a hour long program for a medium sized radio station. I had never done
anything like that before and had to fit everything in 58 minutes, no more,
not much less, due to news breaks and silence. At moments like that it´s
very nice to be able to move everything around while the audio is running
untill it fits.

Of cource the big sequencers could do the same but somehow identical
operations seem easier and more fluent in Live. I guess it varies for
everyone but to me working while the audio is running is very important, I
already have a tendency to get overly analytical and scientiffic in my
aproach and any amount of directness is welcome.

Actually I had a discussion about this last night with a friend of mine,
sitting around his new rm1x. We concluded that while the amount of presets
in grooveboxes is of cource disturbing and most users never get around
those, the directness they offer is quite desireable. Why wouldn´t you use a
nice direct interface of something like the rm1x to control your own sounds
over midi? It would only make sense for styles based around repetitive
structures being morphed but those need not be based on beats at all.


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