At 11:13 AM -0400 10/15/04, chthonic streams wrote:
I think you're right. The generic use of "internet" (lower case)
is now mostly historic, though the capitalization of the global
version remains preferred usages (as does Web, though this is
unfortunately not with proofreaders and copy editors. they also
insist on referring to this mode of communication as "E-mail".
I think that depends on which proofreaders and copy editors you're
referencing. For instance, at Computer Music Journal (MIT Press)
"Internet" and "Web" are standard. "E-mail" would probably be better
as lower case.
The test for capitalization is whether a word is a proper noun.
Apropos and controversial: Wired News has dropped capitalization of
"Internet," "Web," and "Net" as of August 16, 2004.