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Re: [microsound] [OT] Glut of new cds of just no money to spend?

On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 02:01:43 -0800 (PST), Dale Lloyd <dkl37@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I believe that people bore themselves and then blame it on things like
> a "glut of CDs" or a "lack of new ideas".

There was a time when one looked forward to a new release with great
anticipation.  there was both a build up and a wait.  Sometimes many
years.  Not anymore.  People release stuff all the time and the
technology allows it to happen.  People end up producing too much,
just as writers write too much now because of the facility afforded by
computers.  While microsound is certainly not reducible to minimalism,
there are some points of convergence.  I wish sometimes that people
were as minimal about their releases as they are with their music. 
Spend more time perfecting the recording and then put more effort into
making the release worthy for purchase, i.e. not a CDR, but an actual
CD with serious attention paid to the visual accompaniment and the
text.  I admire someone like John Wall, for example, who has a pretty
limited discography and spends years working on the minutiae of one
single CD.

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