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Re: [microsound] Lemur! (and air guitar)


> sounds like an amazing idea for a controller. could also be interesting to
use one in each hand, moving and pressing them to control parameters..

You might want to have a look at this site;

Marije Baalman build the cerquitry for my own "midi ball" and she herself
performs with two and a overall equiped with more sensors. Those controll a
PD patch on linux which in turn controls a Nord Micro Modular. She performs
live using those and I think the concept is very promising even if the
results right now aren´t directly and intuitively understandable by the
audience. She´s more famous for her work on wavefield synthesis. After
performances she usually takes the time to explain some of the principles
involved so if possible microsounders with a interest in controlers might
want to stop by. Just don´t use cameras with flashes because the light
sensors hate those :¬).

> the air-guitar theremin idea is great, as well. i really wanna see a
performance of that.

I think the Theremin as a controler is a amazing thing for live situations
because it´s so easy to relate to yet magical. Mine usually connects to the
control pedal input of my Nord Modular rack (which can also convert it to
midi). I´ve used it in club situations for such controls as the speed of a
automated noise gate and instead of a lfo for a phaser and the responce is
realy good. I´ve had people imitate my hand movements while dancing. I know
not everybody here looks favourably on straightforward dance music but I
think such a mariage of the old and the the new is heart-warming.

Once I get the "pic section" up and running I might use it in that context
too, every now and then. I figured out how to do slides on the "real" bass
and those might be very effective on disco basslines too yet are hard to
program properly in a sequencer. I fear it might need a fairly elaborate
structure in some software modular to properly convert the data to something
intuitively usable but that´s half the fun.


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