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Re: [microsound] two very important questions

i'll give it a shot...

....... Original Message .......
On Wed, 13 Apr 2005 10:12:52 -0700 Kim Cascone <kim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
>- How do musical recordings function as markers of power and codes for
>regimenting behavior?

Maybe this is the obvious one,
but house music does this,
specifically the recordings.

They are produced in programmatic
ways, some much moreso than
others. The features they share
not only prescribe a particular tempo
of movement and dance, but also
build and release tension in similar,
predictable, and -matchable- ways.
They control both dancer and DJ to
a considerable degree in many
aspects of the experience.

>- Can we sample/alter those recordings to create
>alternative musical narratives and different codes?

Most certainly, some already have,
but many that do tend to appear
in the same landscape, so the end
result is the same.

More generally, i can see these
questions directed at consumerist
music, where the control of forces
like the record industry are
prescribing what people hear, and
effectively what they desire.

Considering the nature of the
intended audience, methods of
reworking things may bring cheers
from some and scorn from most.
It would definitely change their
perception of what's happening,
and may even influence their

I hope I am not oversimplifying
what I agree are very important


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