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Re: [microsound] steim and improvising techno

I recently met the fellows from Steim while they were
in the States.  They are very friendly and strongly
encouraged me to come and work there.  They are
currently developing some fascinating tools, and they
seem to be open to a wide variety of artists.  Their
residency program lasts from a couple of days to a
couple of weeks, and they offer a nice place to stay
while hanging out in Amsterdam.  I recommend dropping
them a line.  In the meantime, check out the JunXion
software and buy yourself a Joystick.

--- Damian Stewart <damian@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> hey everyone, apologies for the cross-post
> I wonder if anyone has any information, opinions,
> ideas, rants relating 
> to STEIM in The Netherlands (www.steim.nl). As well
> as holding 
> workshops, lectures, concerts, and having an
> artist's hotel, they build 
> instruments that promise to allow a much more
> expressive interface 
> between computers and humans - complex, delicate,
> and sensitive devices 
> with hundreds of sensors that fire off midi control
> messages.
> One of my continuing interests is in taking the
> rudiments of techno 
> music and turning it into an improv performance. (I
> passionately believe 
> that techno in the experimental/Detroit senses of
> the word has been one 
> of the most interesting developments in
> electroacoustic music in the 
> last 15 years, and its relative neglect in the world
> of 'art' and 
> 'academic' music upsets me greatly.) At the moment I
> improvise using a 
> laptop and a mouse and the sounds of the environment
> I'm performing in, 
> but I feel I'm approaching the expressive limits of
> having only one 
> two-dimensional analog input (the mouse). (I could
> try to work within 
> those limits, I suppose, but playing with new toys
> is potentially more 
> fun.)
> More importantly, other musicians can have
> difficulty communicating with 
> me an in improv jam - I can't really look them in
> the eye because I'm 
> hunched over my laptop. I play crosslegged on the
> floor because it frees 
> up my body to move more than sitting at a desk but
> it's still not ideal.
> As an impoverished electroacoustic music student,
> I'm applying for a 
> Creative New Zealand grant to get me over there for
> a little while on a 
> professional development trip. The grant pool is
> hotly competitive so 
> any help I can get would be greatly appreciated.
> love,
> d
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Andrew Benson

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