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Re: AW: [microsound] richard devine sets some fancy keyboard alight...

After watching the movie in question, my only criticism of the
performance (music aside) is that this guy didn't go ape-shit enough.
Granted, it looked like it was on the floor of a club, so there are
innocent bvystanders to think of. Personally, though, I would have
taken a large axe with me and put it right through the center of the
damn thing. And there's no reason to stop just because it isn't making
sound any more.

Taking a bat to the corner of the keyboard seems kind of half-hearted,
though I still have respect for a person that smashes instruments
outside of a rock context, for sure.

While it's true that there are some things in the music world that
have been done to death and should not be done any more, I don't see
how this is one of those things. Yes, it brings a tear to my eye and
evokes frustrated utterances of disapproval to see Avril Lavigne
daintily tossing her hired bandmate's guitar to the ground in a music
video. Still, I'm also reminded of Failure's performance at
Lollapalooza about six or seven years ago, in which they retired an
old bass during the last song. Their performance was genuine, sincere,
and heartfelt. Not to mention they rocked pretty hard.

Collectors not wanting to buy Hendrix's old guitar for a pantsload of
cash doesn't really have anything to do with art or the community
which surrounds the art in question. That's collectors we're talking
about right there, and that's a horse of a different color.

"So five minutes ago"? What is this, fashion? Here, dude:

Not all instruments are expensive, and jesus, *certianly* not all are
lovable. And to say that an act of performance art is invalid because
it takes a certain amount of money to go through with is, well,
invalid. Was Xenakis a spoiled brat for lighting his microphones on
fire? Are the Boredoms spoiled brats for submerging their mics under
water? Granted, it's different because they're destroying their tools
to produce art that they wouldn't otherwise be able to produce, but
the "spoiled brat" argument makes no room for these things.

OK, Avril is a spoiled brat, yes. I'll certainly give you that. And
this Richard Devine guy? I have no idea. I don't know him, I don't
know his music. But that's not really the point. You can hate on the
player, but don't hate on the game, man.

Please. Think of the children. Don't hate on the game.


On 5/20/05, bryan garcia <brymoxine@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> armchair critics who don't perform on stage provide
> the  context and substrate for that which is
> considered art and that which is considered shit.  you
> don't have to play an instrument in order to determine
> what is crap and what is not.   this is why one doesnt
> simply go out and perform because the new britney
> spears album isn't very good.   the criticism of
> devine's performance is legit.  it was shit, and he
> knows it, and he knows we all know it.   fake,
> contrived, no value at all.  pseudo-intellectual terms
> will do nothing to persduade me, either.  i knew
> immediately what i was dealing with.  fun, yes : art,
> truth, sincerity, talent, craft-No.  i'm sick of
> people braking any kind of instrument.  they're
> expensive, and they are lovabale.   breaking them "in
> sacrifice"  is for spoiled brats.   you know >?<
> no announcements,
> b/g
> --- Brian Klein <btk3782@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > i'd personally like to see earl scruggs slam his
> > banjo into the floor at the end of one of his
> > kickass bluegrass runs.
> >
> >
> > under the radar <analog_life@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Myself, I'd love to see Christopher Willits light
> > his guitar on fire as part
> > of his performance!
> >
> > Stephen (of the gansta-ambient-glitch group Zygote)
> > http://www.myspace.com/zygote
> >
> >
> >
> >
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