"innocent people have lost their lives under every...
type of political system..."
So, there is no point in analyzing how the hegemony
of global capitalism primarily exploits and abuses
many people? Or it is 'beside-the-point'? If we are
to be concrete we can't step out of that convienently,
at an analytic level.
Even the IMF admits (in a recent report) that its
policies of the last 20 or so years have done nothing
to 'advance' the great majority of people on this
planet. And don't forget this has always been one of
the rhetorical mantles of "liberal" capitalist
ideology-> it would have us believe that in the long
run prosperity is developed. Interestingly to me, I
think there has been a shift, because we all pretty
much see what a big fat fallacy this is, at a world
level. Everyone knows that mostly ghettos have been
developed by and large. So, now we have
Bush/Blair/Multi-National interests going forward
pretty much openly aiming to create nothing but an
'elitist' ghettoized world, in the name of "realism"
(ironically enough). It is this "realism" which
becomes a kind of self-fulfilling justification for
poverty, despair, war, and walled-off zones of wealth.
Also, philosophically it seems a bit dubious to in
essence depend on a kind of 'outside-chance' (it
doesn't have to be this way all the time) -- a thought
that indeed has no limits to its own application... to
the point of making nonsense of any pattern/routine or
power configurations. We could apply it everywhere and
to every system/time/regime just as well, including...
well everything in the universe, come to think of it!
(producing nonsense, esoterica or religion?!). And
Stalin-state leaders/agents, idelogues and operatives
certainly did this kind of stuff themselves! Mystify
with the Outside-Chance. It is a way of being
*authoritative* and dismissiive, effectively
re-producing the structure of the state, AND one's
'legitimate' role in it -- As if to say, yes, yes
there is much that needs to be worked on, much that is
wrong, my friend, but at least we are on the right
path, are we not,
On a side note: here is a good interview with Derrida
on Bush regime power and its complicit agents,
resistance, etc. Towards the end of the interview he
talks about the 'alter-globalization'
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