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Re: [microsound] Re: Last.FM
Wow! Sorry to hear that you had those probs.
Must've been at least 3 years ago, 'cause, for example,
if you choose to subscribe, which is for a nominal time/amount,
the banners actually disappear - one advantage of the subscription...
...and label/artist setup is just one page that asks for basic
Their terms are extremely liberal - you upload your stuff and
give them permission to embed them on their website.
When you decide to leave, you can take your personal tunes and go.
In your case, if you happened to leave some behind and you
already left L-FM, then you just contact them - they'll need
your previous sign-in info I'm sure (password, etc) - otherwise
*I* could ask them to give me yer tunes.
Your description actually reminds me of how somebody
would describe MySpace. I don't see how Last.FM "benefits"
in the same way that MySpace does, because it's not a "lifestyle"
It's just a bunch of music lovers sharing ideas about music,
so I don't see this being anywhere near the MySpace
Murdochian fascist lifestyle spy-joy that it could've become.
As for majors: yes, CBS bought into them,
but if they've made any changes, I can't see any downsides.
The philosophy still seems to be the same as it ever was
and I haven't suddenly become inundated with sales pitches
or some other kind of corporate nonsense.
anyway, to each his own.
again, sorry to hear that you had problems.
I'd contact them tho about your files that you left behind.
Now playing: Toti's Tahitians - Bora Bora