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Re: [microsound] law and order at last.fm

maybe someone's written it already.

but go here and tell about it :)

talk to the root! :)

carpe diem.

On Feb 8, 2008 6:27 PM, chmafu nocords <chmafu@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Dear aLEKS, dear list members,
> > I thought you meant the link that you presented in your previous post,
> > thats what i responded to.  I did say that when you wandered out of
> > the channel link you provided that things got kooky.  I do find it
> > funny that YouTube takes down many of the linked videos, while Last FM
> > does not.  People are crazy is all i can say...
> >
> > What was the reason for your bio being censored?  Sorry i already
> > deleted the original thread.
> It was censored because it was creative. And their rules only allow hard
> facts. (Although they also censored my birthdate which IS a fact). As I
> told you my bio is part of my work so it's a mixture of a creative intro
> (a metaphor telling a lot about me as a person and about the rest of my
> work) and hard facts about my life. It says that I was born on planet
> Venus which I think isn't illegal or offensive or hurting anyone's
> feelings nor a strange form of advertising.
> Although I do not completely understand why they censor creativity on a
> site for music, musicians and listeners, I understand that I broke their
> rules.
> What I do not understand is why they refuse to delete the censored
> version. It's a creative text so I own the copyrights and they break the
> law by using it.
> > Are you mad that your Bio was censored and not the Nazi white power
> > content?
> I confess that I was mad that they kept using the censored bio although
> I asked them to remove it. But it is more than just a personal thing.
> It's confusing that they censor harmless statements like mine while
> defending all that racist and nationalist content.
> Another question......... the content of these pages is illegal in
> Austria and Germany. But they can be viewed in these countries. Hm....
> Anyway, I am glad that there ARE people that care.
> Thanks and best,
> maru
> --
> chmafu nocords - www.nocords.net
> www.cafeshops.com/chmafu_nocords
> supported by SKE
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