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Re: [microsound] MAX/MSP Algorithmic Generative Patch
- To: microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, sound@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [microsound] MAX/MSP Algorithmic Generative Patch
- From: usrmanual <usrmanual@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 28 May 2008 09:51:58 +0700
- Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=gamma; h=domainkey-signature:received:received:message-id:date:from:to:subject:in-reply-to:mime-version:content-type:references; bh=lkF/p+zhItN4oxWUKLTWSwRM3qqix6RUbIlhTtPlgFs=; b=NE9gdA+IDsfshfmDWiik9xyonbWa4dT+RDYsiYGB8iNyVUw1IZRu8Nk7rMq8keN1hA1EMkjztSXLypEhypA9yDJrHRYvznoGccxlior1eH8CIKVGXfD5sWoOSKnHk+doBYoA2DliKl3CHyygh+O3Jawth76Xu16xtlmVCHiYagc=
Thanks Guys.....
2008/5/28 "marc_mcnulty (mærðnír)" <sound@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi,
> Miller Puckette and other, wrote an excellent PD book, which is free, and
> is here: http://pd-graz.mur.at/label/book01
> PD and MAX/MSP are born from the same basic cores and much is
> interchangeable.
> Cheers,
> Marc
> --
> marc mcnulty [mærðnír] -> sound@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> works -> http://www.earphone.org
> sound art -> http://www.artsound.org
> craquemat wrote:
>> These are reasons I love resources like Perl Cookbook. I'm as guilty as
>> others in stealing code for my own purposes, but I do think at some point it
>> stops being an educational tool and you begin to branch out on your own...
>> Is there a 'max/msp' cookbook?
>> marc_mcnulty (mærðnír) wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I'm not sure how to answer any of these questions directly. But, I have
>>> found some patches over the years publicly posted on public sites.
>>> I have learned a great deal from these examples, some are: MAX/MSP,
>>> Reaktor, & PD. I did not write these patches; if any rights exist they are
>>> those of the unknown authors. I hope anyone or everyone can learn from them
>>> and create better and more personal patches. This is a learning experience.
>>> As an artist myself, I know the learning curve for some applications is
>>> steep if there is no frame of reference. Here are some frames, fill them
>>> with something good.
>>> A 6.8mb zip file is here: http://www.earphone.org/patches.zip
>>> Cheers,
>>> Marc
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> --
> marc mcnulty [mærðnír] -> sound@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> works -> http://www.earphone.org
> sound art -> http://www.artsound.org
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