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Re: [microsound] Formative microsound experiences?

that story reminds me when i was working in graduate school helping another project out. they were looking at leaf litter from trees, so they had collected bags of leaves falling in leaf litter traps. then we were back at the lab separating all the leaves out by species. we did this for hours and hours and then when i went to leave and pushed open the door the the colorful leaf strewn sidewalk i had such a crazy overwhelming experience of knowing and instantly classifiying each leaf by species. really a wonderful experience.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Graham Miller" <grahammiller@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "microsound" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 12:42 AM
Subject: Re: [microsound] Formative microsound experiences?

another interesting story, on a similar note, involves the actors and crew spending massive amounts of time in an entirely monochromatic set, in monochromatic costumes. apparently when they actually had a break for lunch or whenever they could leave the soundstage, the colour of the outside world was completely overwhelming. almost like being a sensory depravation tank (pun intended) for colour... of course all the neon blues and reds were added later through rotoscoping and amazing optical compositing techniques... damn i love that movie.



On 27-Oct-08, at 7:29 PM, Ken Restivo wrote:

On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 11:57:53AM -0400, Graham Miller wrote:
TRON is amazing on all levels. probably my favourite film.

what's interesting in terms of sound within the computer world is the use
(or rather, lack of) reverb. they really thought out the imaginary
acoustics of a place that 'sounds' but has no medium to travel through, or
at least not any kind of conventional medium. lots of short delays  and
flanging modulation effects on the foot steps and whatnot...

I once worked with someone who was part of the startup that did the effects for TRON.

She said their main graphics programmer was legally blind. He'd sit there at a Sun workstation with his nose practically touching the huge RGB monitor, whilst programming stuff.


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