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Re: [microsound] (web-based) interactive sound art?

Peter Todd wrote:

http://www.selectparks.net/archive/q3apd.htm seems to be the Quake III / pd
interface of which you speak. It looks like it requires two machines, one
running linux, to run. I suppose that's doable....

Q3apd should be able to run both parts of one machine as well, using the network loopback for communications form PD to Quake. There are Gentoo packages of Quake 3 Arena, so I am pretty positive that you can get it running on any distro as well. Some friends of mine are experimenting with q3apd right now, so maybe I can post a detailed report later on.

While the server end can be Linux, I agree that if you make a client app, it should support *all* major flavors... mac, linux and widoze alike. Wouldn't want anybody to feel left out ;-) That's why PD would be nice, instead of SC, if DSP needs to happen on client side. I suppose you could use CSound as well, but from what I hear it is a bit outdated... just gossip over the fence of course, haven't really gotten my teeth into myself.


derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl
---Oblique Strategy # 63:
"Don't break the silence"

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