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Re: [microsound] outsider artists



On May 27, 2005, at 12:45 PM, jacob felix heule wrote:

I'm pretty sure Captain Beefheart is far more commercially successful
than Wesley Willis. Beefheart had a string of managers, and travelled
in a tour bus. And he was on some major labels (A&M, Virgin...). While
that other stuff you said about Wesley is probably true, one of the
handful of times I saw him, he had taken the Greyhound from Chicago to
Green Bay, showed up unannounced at a punk show and played. And then
hawked his own CDs for money to buy a ticket back to Chicago.

As far as Chusid goes, I haven't read his book, but I saw him speak
and present a series of video clips. I had wondered about Partch and
Beefheart on his CDs, and during the presentation of the clips he took
the same approach to Partch as he did Jandek. Something like, 'This
guy tried to play classical music, but he used some imaginary scale,
built strange instruments and just listen to this weird shit.' If he's
merely pointing out a few similarities between Partch and Beefheart
and more canonized (?) outsider artists, he's either going about it in
the wrong way,or is completely misguided. If the SFPL has his book,
I'll check out the Beefheart chapter and get back to you.


On 5/27/05, aleks vasic <bvasic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
And i was originally responding to your statement that captain
Beefheart is commerrcially more successful then Wesley Willis, who i
pointed out has a tour bus/management and had one point been signed by
Rick Rubins, while Beefheart, who has a seriously well earned rep, had
a reputation of poor record sales and financial pit falls.

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