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[microsound] physical media and the future

i am hopefully not in the minority with the cry of no more music for capital...

no, of course not - Jeff...all progressive people throughout the world declare their symphaties for the human race not governed any more by "invisible hand" of capital... :-)

it's good to see cd's are losing their support, and it's quite natural process, given the staidum of technological process...
of course, culture viewed, maketed and threated like commodity can not be liberated from that in socio-economical circumstances where everything else is threated like "commodity"...

for total abolishment of culture industry (and all its direct and indirect consequences: idolatries, life in luxury, new cd's, massive concerts, posters, brain-washed audiences...) which promotes musical stagnation, cliches and molds as only possible form of promotion - much more has to be done before...

this has nothing to do with "nice wishes", but with (possible) objective development of human race and, therefore, its culture...

net-labels and "downloadable music" is just a hint of what could be done in a world where capitalism would be long-gone history...

so yes - www.mattin.com

for critical and emancipative culture

no more music at the service of capital !

                 Die Kunst ist tot
Es lebe die neue Maschinenkunst Tatlins