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Re: [microsound] Physical Media - Discussion

the impression that i am getting is that audio (by itself) will largely
become separated from physical media... downloads, podcasts, etc...

the medium that appears to my observing eye to be emergent is the dvd...
folks seem willing to pay for something with the visual element and easter
egg bonus items... with the home theater replacing the home stereo...

i believe that this is a reaction to the excessive price of most cds...
coupled with the convenience of pod-style drives...  for better or worse,
most folks seem to care little if their music is encoded in a lossy
format... as long as it is easy to 'use'...

of course there will be exceptions, collectors items with packaging appeal,
hi-def audiophile products and so on... but the market appears to be moving
away from physical audio media pretty fast...

~will soderberg

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