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Re: [microsound] was Greenpeace vs apple is now IBM and nazi germany
- To: microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [microsound] was Greenpeace vs apple is now IBM and nazi germany
- From: Neil Wiernik <neil@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2006 15:08:54 -0500 (EST)
yeah I agree with you that it was not IBM that paved the way for this to
happen, the killing machine was not ibm punchcards but rather a tool used
for this horrific plan of hitler and his associates. I would never blame
ibm for what happened ever, i just find it hard to belive that they had no
idea what these punch card machines were being used for.
I also think it is important that we aknowlege that the company known as
ibm in the 30s and 40s is a very different company then it is now. The
people that ran the company then and the people that run it now are very
different people.
no one is perfect is the thing to remember and as a child of a survivor I
have tried hard to live my life like this. that some times people or
corperations make horrible mistakes and its important to forgive for such
mistakes as long as they are aknowleged and corrected.
this can be applied to ones personal life also, for example: I used to
work for a company that is involved in the war in iraq, no idea
what they do other then its technology driven, but as soon as I found this
out I found my self a new job. I personally like you with ibm didnt want
to be associated directly with such evil doings.
On Thu, 28 Dec 2006, Johan Nilsson wrote:
Well, I wasn't initially going to reply because I realize it's getting way
off topic and as you say, it's hitting close to home for you and I don't mean
to upset you. I can't relate to how americans knew about the holocaust
because I was born in Sweden. In Sweden, surely enough, people knew the
nazi's were after the Jews. My grandfather, a seaman, helped Jewish children
get into hiding in Sweden. But everytime I talked to him about it, he always
said that even though he knew, he never thought it was as horrific as it
turned out to be. That's where I come from. But that being said, I still
stand by my statement that I think the whole IBM and the nazi Germany thing
is blown way out of porpotions. When people state that IBM laid the way for
the German war, I really want to know how one fights wars with punch card
machines, and what punch card machines has to do with the Nazi ideology.
Personally I think it's just a "hit" at one of the biggest corporations in
the world, but you can't really compare IBM of that day, to Big Blue today.
But again, I did start by previous post with "Hm, I thought..." and I guess
that belongs in front of this post as well. I hope I do not insult you, I
just wanted to explain my opinion and again sorry to the rest for getting
On Dec 28, 2006, at 6:50 AM, Neil Wiernik wrote:
there is plenty more just do a google search...
its pretty nieve for any one to think that people didnt knoww hat hitler
and the nazi party were up to its not like they really hide it from any
one... even if they sort of how could they hide it at the scale they were
doing it (Im a child of a survivor so this subject hits very close to home
for me). I think people like to say that they didnt know what they were up
to, I think its more like people didnt want to belive it was happening and
were there for in denial of it all. they were in dianl untill they could
not any more, when they were presented with first hand pictures and stories
from people then the west has no choice but to accept it. but to say they
didnt now what was going on is IMHO an easy cop out.
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