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Re: [microsound] Music Technology graduate interested in Game Audio

Graham Miller wrote:

to make a spaceship sound really cool... it's this classic debate that goes on forever in the reaktor forums about the 'instrument builders' and the 'instrument players.'


i'm part of a group called New Interfaces for Performance (http://www.newinterfaces.net/) which meets up in pretty places and makes art every now and then. we go through this process every time, it would seem - a bunch of people show up, we sit down together and try and figure out what we're going to do, the 'builders' and the more process oriented get bored and frustrated with the thinkers, and the thinkers get frustrated with the builders, and then we all go off and make stuff and it works out great anyway.

hm. not sure i had a point.

damian stewart | +31 6 8178 5197 |  damian@xxxxxxxxxx
frey | live art with machines | http://www.frey.co.nz

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