Hello Isjtar,
Isjtar wrote:
> how can I implement OSC in a website? or is it really necessary for
> other person to have max - In that case I'll have to learn flash
> is it hard?
> can latency be reduced to say about 20ms either in osc or flash?
I think there are two options here and there might be some confusion
as to which one you mean.
One is a PDradio-like solution, where users can influence your modular
environment on a remote server from a web browser. The server then
creates audio data and streams it to the client browser. The "latency"
in this case is dependent on bandwidth, the internet, solar flares,
the mood of your ISP and all kinds of other things beyond your
control. But as long as the user has a (Flash/Java/etc) plugin in
their browser to send messages to your server, and they have a media
player to listen to the output, it's solid. Or as solid as your server
is, at least...
The other is a Flash-like solution, where all the DSP is done locally
in the web browser by a plugin (Flash, Java, Shockwave, etc).
Alternately, you could have the web browser communicate with another
application locally on the computer (i.e. sending data from the
browser to a PD/Max/MSP/etc patch on the same machine). This would
require the client/user to have your modular environment running on
their machine, and also to have their machine configured in such a way
that the browser could communicate with the modular environment. There
are plenty of firewalls and other apps (not to mention cross-platform
issues) that could easily get in the way of this, so it's not the best
idea if you want users to download your work and use it
"plug-and-pray" style (why not just use the interface of the modular
enviroment in this case?). But in this case, the latency would then
depend on the soundcard, as OSC itself is fairly instantaneous. I
think it's quite rare for your average PCI soundcard to have 20ms
latency, however!
If you wanted lots of users from all over to influence your modular
environment, I'd go for the first option. Processing is a Java-based
language that is very easy to use and can be run with the Java plugins
that are already in most browsers. It can communicate via OSC with a
remote server or an OSC application on the same computer (such as PD,
SuperCollider3, Max/MSP, Reaktor...). I'd check this out.
I've seen lots of interesting work done with Processing, OSC and
SuperCollider3 lately, for example work by IXI-Software (check the
"code" section of their "backyard"):
But mostly done with system which were set up to do just that (all
applications installed and configured properly). I'm not sure how
successful it would be for someone just to download it and expect it
to work out of the box on any computer.
good luck,
derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl
---Oblique Strategy # 91:
"Infinitesimal gradations"
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