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Re: [microsound] anyone up for a .microsound project? OT

Checking out your offerings as well. It does seem like a good place to familiarize people with ones work, especially if your listening tastes seem popular.



On Jan 10, 2008, at 3:40 PM, craquemattic wrote:

I'm on last.fm both as a user and an artist:



i don't use it as a social platform so much, but it's nice to see what my friends are listening to

one of the things i use it for the most is finding like artists to ones i know and sampling their work

but if you have any listenership at all it's almost necessary to get on there and make sure your artist page is up-to-date. i also am on as a 'label' so i have many of my tracks available for free downloads there - as do many other netlabel types. so it's even good for finding downloadables.

what it's horrible for - at least in the western US - is radioplay or streaming. some people don't find the statistical aspect of it that reliable but i find it fascinating.

On Jan 10, 2008, at 12:32 PM, aleks vasic wrote:


How is Last FM? I have seen quite a few people displaying their play list and it seems that there is quite an eclectic choice of music offered? You like? Complaints? Is there a membership fee for special privileges, or is there just one standard sign up and your off to the races?

Thanks in advance(unless you dont answer then thanks for nothing! :)


On Jan 10, 2008, at 3:02 PM, Rod Stasick wrote:

Count me in too please.
Always prefer no boundaries,
but I'll work with what's given.
I should be able to fit it right in
with some other projects these days
as long as the deadline isn't this month.

big respect to all,


Now playing: Madlib - Toe Fat (Ghettozone)


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