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Re: [microsound] funny post on Linux audio
- To: microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [microsound] funny post on Linux audio
- From: Paulo Mouat <paulo.mouat@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2007 12:52:13 -0500
- Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=gamma; h=domainkey-signature:received:received:message-id:date:from:to:subject:in-reply-to:mime-version:content-type:content-transfer-encoding:content-disposition:references; bh=EOi6RAEhbooFKTq5j2uEDl+hjImRi/DazBfB0SyLTCA=; b=qQ9uUz7ZyZO4ZNksLpyRXZaW2uUVRnLFZSIFK6MpQRE9VTa70Dok5ujI7Uwh7+GewMjrPmWcvoHOVPwScTc1v7EjpdMWqwu3OFUq7xjyuiPTrHbVKmFUnFPvA+Ac9XQf6TrzUo0p5JodGFqPTsYMlQIQ5WaStuTry8SrCJV5FeE=
> mozilla and apache are not multimillion dollar companies- they are non
> profits [or 'foundations'].
Their non-profit status does not mean they don't have budgets,
earnings and revenue. It just means they're not in it for the profit.
The Mozilla Foundation posted earnings of $67m this year. That is a
multimillion dollar company in my book, with all of it supporting the
> > Honestly, I am fairly computer-savvy
> i know- you run the microsound wiki and project wiki! [and thx again
> for sharing your resources with the community]
Thank you for the kind words and it is with pleasure that I do it. It
all runs on LAMP, you know :)...
> > However,
> > time is a rare and precious commodity, and I normally just want to do
> > real stuff rather than fixing issues that shouldn't be there.
> well, since there is no army of paid engineers working on hardware
> compatibility, it's up to users like you and me. if you don't want to
> do this work, no one's going to force you. but, as frank pointed out,
> some of the blame goes to hardware manufacturers who don't follow
> standards.
And the rest of the blame? It is an enormous task and no matter what,
idealism is often not enough. My original point still stands,
sometimes there's bandwidth (emotional and intellectual) to play
around with the innards of the system, sometimes there isn't.
Armies of paid engineers doesn't necessarily mean higher quality.
However, a disjointed group of people with scattered interests isn't
likely to help either, unless the cocktail of one-part strong
leadership, one-part pragmatism and two-parts sheer luck is very
fortunate (I would probably add a pinch of obstinacy on top
too)--interistingly enough, this also fully applies to the army of
engineers scenario. I like the bazaar analogy and the fragmentary
nature it has, but sometimes you need to depend at some level on a
cathedral to keep your sanity. YMMV.
I'll shut up now.
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